Thursday, April 9, 2009


Izzy says he can't talk to me. He should be able to talk to me about anything. I should be the one person that he knows he can always turn to. Somehow, I've become this bitch that he hates speaking to. He doesn't like talking to me because he's afraid of my judgment. But I'm not there to judge him. I'm there to support him. Always there to support him in his endeavors.

We fight a lot lately about our religious differences. I'm Roman Catholic and he's a non-denominational Christian. So we have some slight differences. But I feel like he criticizes every difference. He says he only does it because "they" do it to the Christians. What he doesn't realize is that I identify myself with the Catholics. I was raised Roman Catholic. This is my religion. So when he says those horrible things about them, it's like he's saying it about me.

He also accuses me of trying to convert him to my religion. And though it would be very nice to have him agree with me in our religious endeavors, I've given up on that a long time ago. And don't get me wrong. I love Izzy more than anything or anyone (except God), but it's like he's tearing me apart.

I still want to marry him. I still want to be with him every moment for the rest of my life. Just sometimes, I think it would have been easier if I would have fallen in love with another Roman Catholic. These are just my thoughts. I would never say anything bad about Izzy. Just that there are times that he frustrates me. It's okay though. I know I frustrate him as well.

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